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What the Growing ASC Market Means for Your R&D Strategy

ASCs are primed to capture more business if they keep pace with increasing caseloads and invest in new technologies that help surgeons achieve positive outcomes. Experts in the field come together to provide their perspectives on how OEMs must shift their product development focus.

Key Leadership Skills to Inspire Cross-Functional Team Success

Learn what great teaming is, the phases required to achieve it and a clear roadmap for creating a cohesive effort across various functions. You will come away with a clear framework, useful tools and an action plan to get the most out of your team.

Robotics, Navigation and the Tech Behind Orthopedics’ Growing Digital Ecosystems

This panel discussion includes orthopedic companies with varying types of enabling and digital technologies. The group will explore questions such as: What are the uses and benefits of the technology today? How will the technology advance over time? How will data be captured and utilized to improve technology, surgical techniques and patient outcomes? What will it take to gain greater adoption in orthopedics?

A Next-Generation Material for Medical Devices: Tantalum

Tantalum (Ta) metal has the potential to revolutionize next-generation materials for orthopedic applications. Croom Medical and Global Advanced Metals (GAM) have partnered to establish a new Ta-based medical device manufacturing capability. This presentation will review and summarize the results of the demonstration device designs alongside initial testing data from the manufactured Ta parts produced from GAM’s high-purity powders.

2D Barcode Compliance for EU 2017/745 MDR: Are You Ready?

2D barcode requirements for UDI pertaining to EU MDR compliance is on the horizon for most instrument manufacturers. The process involves the validation of the verifier unit, the review and grouping of affected materials and the internal validation of existing part marking processes. In addition, each material and surface treatment has its own critical parameters that must be considered. Metal Craft will share its experience and overview of the implementation.

Call To Action: Trade Skill Shortage and How to Overcome the Challenge

Companies must reach young minds and educate them on the benefits of working in manufacturing, including high levels of job satisfaction and earning potential. MB&A plans to make trade skill options more accessible through outreach, partnerships and apprenticeships. The efforts will include competency evaluations and a potential to gain certification.

How to Encourage and Embrace Flexibility in the Workplace

In this presentation, you will learn practical tools and ideas to help you cope — and even thrive — amid constant change. Find out how to manage your own energy and build the optimism, empathy and confidence needed to successfully navigate the craziness.

The Important Roles Robotics and 3D Printing Play in Personalized Joint Replacement

When fully leveraged, additive manufacturing and robotics can produce patient-optimized implants that are precisely inserted. The adoption of these technologies in tandem can lead to personalized joint replacement procedures that achieve clinical benefit, decrease inventory costs and increase surgical efficiencies.