OMTEC Exhibitor In-Booth Presentations

The abstract submission process is now closed. Winning abstracts will be announced March 4.

To bolster OMTEC’s robust education curriculum, confirmed exhibitors are invited to present technical knowledge, best practices, case studies and innovations to enhance the learning and partnership opportunities for all participants. OEMs seek passionate leaders, innovators and subject-matter experts who employ exciting and engaging presentation styles on topics that are relevant, credible and aligned with orthopedic industry challenges and opportunities. Presentation topics could cover materials, additive manufacturing, product development, manufacturing automation, supply chain management to name a few ideas.

Abstracts are reviewed and selected by OMTEC’s Advisory Board.

Speaking Affords You the Opportunity to:

Speaking Considerations:

Presenters Receive:

Tips for Submitting a Great Abstract:

Abstract Review Process:

No matter your station in the orthopedic commercialization chain — engineer, executive, buyer, surgeon, investor, inventor, manufacturer — OMTEC is your resource.